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Seeking Qualified Job Applicants?

Our pipeline is full of qualified, talented, and eager-to-work individuals waiting to fill your open positions.

Average Savings with The Way Out

Based on $31,200 Annual Salary

Job search struggles affect nearly 200,000 Veterans every year.

HR Daily Advisor 11.11.2022

Every year more than 650,000 formerly incarcerated individuals enter the job market.

Forbes 4.29.2022

Increase Employee Retention

When employers, service providers, and job seekers utilize our platform, the job retention rate is nearly 90%.

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Reduce Recruitment Costs

Find resources to help your organization with tax credits, training reimbursements, and other financial incentives to save on labor costs.

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Create An Inclusive Culture

Diversify your talent pool and cultivate a culture of inclusion, collaboration, and innovation. Our cloaking mechanism ensures there will be no implicit biases in the recruiting process. Help build communities and keep families together.

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While other fair chance employment platforms only focus on bringing employers and employees together, The Way Out additionally focuses on development and retention by offering ongoing training and support opportunities.

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How it works?


Create Your Profile

Choose a subscription package and begin creating your employer profile by adding your company details.


Identify Ideal Candidate

Identify your ideal candidate qualifications based on federal and state guidelines for each job you post.


Hire Qualified Candidates

Search and review qualified cloaked candidates and set up interviews. Once an interview is scheduled, the applicant's full profile will be made available.

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InCheck is our Fair Chance screening partner.

Have you evaluated your screening program to ensure candidates are being fairly assessed for a role they are qualified to hold? InCheck can help. By practicing fair chance hiring, you can build a pool of qualified and diverse talent.

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